Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Name is Jesse

And I just came to St. Louis to serve here with the Salvation Army last week. But last week seems like weeks ago. Yes the pace is fast here, but it’s not the pace that makes me feel like I have been here longer than what it feels. It's the fact that I fit right in with those around me. It’s the fact that adapting to this environment of after-school programs complimented  with  energetic screaming kids, helping those who can’t read or write sign papers for the food bank, not arriving home till 10pm, or almost falling asleep with the light on, doesn’t bother me one bit. I thank God for every opportunity, and this is one that he handed to me. "One step closer to changing your world" he says, "One step closer to growing." A year is what I have in my head to stay. I am in no rush in counting the days. I'll soak in every moment. I'll bath with the unsavory moments and also invite the good, because when one is growing with the Lord, everything is worthy. I hope to make a change with every child, every broken soul, to connect with my bosses, to the other interns here in the program. For when we hold out a hand to help, one is waiting to embrace you also. To hold you just the same.

Till next time :)

1 comment:

  1. Nicely put, Jesse. Thank you! It was great to meet you during our visit. Keep up the good work!
